The Carry-in-Project is, as the name suggests, a socially engaged art project in which participants come together to design, make and then carry in a giant object so large that it can only just fit into the space chosen for the project. For this iteration of the project in the Okazaki area of Kyoto, a special team was formed mainly of students, who spent around two months planning and creating the object, participating in the actual Carry-in-Event, documenting the project, and exhibiting the object.
Recruiting Student Participants
• Student participants were recruited to assist the core artistic team in designing and making the object, planning the project, publicity, exhibiting, and documentation.
• The recruitment aimed to attract students with interests and skills in theatre, architecture, visual art, design, video and filmmaking, and art project coordination.Kick-off Meeting
January 22nd 14:00-18:00
Venue: ROHM Theatre Kyoto Conference Room 1
• The participants came together to meet and launch the project.
• Information was shared on previous Carry-in-Project events, ROHM Theatre Kyoto, and the various participants.
• Other general participants were recruited for the Carry-in-Event on March 5th.Workshops, Fieldwork
February 3rd – February 5th 14:00-18:00
Venue: ROHM Theatre Kyoto, other locations
• Participants were divided into teams (Carry-in-Event planning and design, video documentation and exhibition, research, publicity and coordination) and full work on preparing the project started.
• Basic plans were devised for making the object, the exhibition and documentation, and publicity.
• Information from the workshops and research was made public as much as possible.Making the Object, Exhibition Planning & Preparation, Publicity
February 16th – March 4th
Venues: ROHM Theatre Kyoto, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Ultra Factory, others
Different teams worked on the following tasks:
• Making the object to be carried into the venue.
• Documenting and recording the project.
• Carrying out research related to the project.
• Publicizing the Carry-in-Event and exhibition.
• Coordinating in preparation for the Carry-in-Event.
• Planning the exhibition to be held after the Carry-in-Event.Carry-in-Event
March 5th 15:00 (approximately 1-2 hours)
Venue: ROHM Theatre Kyoto
• The object was transported to the Okazaki area.
• It was then carried into ROHM Theatre Kyoto with the help of general participants.
• The Carry-in-Event was also broadcast and publicized across a wide range of media.Exhibition
March 6th – March 27th
Venue: ROHM Theatre Kyoto
• The carried-in object was exhibited inside ROHM Theatre Kyoto.
• Overall documentation of the project was also exhibited, including video and text.
• Talks were held during the exhibition period.